21 august 2008

Altfel de teste...

Recomand http://www.oneplusyou.com/q. Am descoperit site-ul acum ceva timp,la munca,bineinteles :).Chiar este interesant.Iata cateva dintre rezultatele avute de mine:

The Caffeine Click Test: Jittery,Rasily Excitable(tre sa ma uit in dictionar sa vad ce insemna jittery ;)
How long could you survive in the vacuum of space? : Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 23 seconds ! In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due to the pressure in your body trying to equalize with the vacuum outside. Unlike what some science fiction films have suggested, your body would not explode.
After the first 15 seconds you would lose consciousness. If you held your breath you could potentially stay alive longer but you risk pulmonary trauma. If you didn't hold your breath you'd pass out sooner, but your lungs might have a better chance of avoiding permanent damage.
The pressure in your veins would rise until your heart no longer had the capacity to pump blood, at which point you'd die. Da,deci clar,nu vreau sa mor asa...Next
How many cannibals could my body feed? You could feed 11 cannibals! i-auzi...
How long could you survive trapped in your own home?You could survive 11 days trapped in your own home...eh cred ca era vb de cei care stau la casa...eu stau la bloc :)
How many five year old children you could fight at once? You could take on 12 five year old kids in a fight. Sunt chiar tare:)
Cam astea sunt testele care mi s-au parut mie mai interesante...

Un comentariu:

Olive spunea...

ok.....deci la *The Caffeine Click Test te-am luat..am facut 150 de click-uri in 30 de secunde,eram la nivel de nervozitate maxima (Spastic,Nervous)......
*How long could you survive in the vacuum of space? : Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 29 seconds ! (iar te-am luat);
*How many cannibals could my body feed? : You could feed 12 cannibals! ;
*How long could you survive trapped in your own home? :You could survive 37 days trapped in your own home [ =)) ];
*How many five year old children you could fight at once? You could take on 25 five year old kids in a fight.[ and again =)))]....
..sunt mai buna la bataile cu copii de 5 ani :))

*misto jocurile alea :D